If the peoples knew why we are fighting, it would never have been able to arrange at least one decent war.
Friedrich II
Terrorism will never doze, and how can you sleep, when a monument to an extremist is erected near the walls of the Kremlin, with an engraved inscription “Imran Zakhaev. Hero of the New Russia ". Insomnia is guaranteed. Stand, do not look out the window and climb into Google-there is no iron knight there. More precisely, there are, but only in the imagination of the scriptwriters Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, who for some reason see Russia just like that.
The new conflict occurred five years after the events of the first part. They killed one psychopath – the following came in his place, someone Vladimir Makarov, who quickly managed to gather the people around him and vowed to take revenge on America and personally to Captain Price for all sins. In order not to meddle in the United States independently, he made the whole Russian army to be sent there: he shot civilians at the Moscow airport, and at the exit threw the body of a dying agent of the CIA, who was sent to spy on him. But the battle could be stopped! Just one look at the magazine racks, where the chic editions of "beer!", "Comrade!"," Drinking vodka "and" hunter duck ", and terrorists would have gone like laughter that they could stop only in the courtroom.
But what has been done is done, and now hundreds of fighters and helicopters fly through the Atlantic, in a fabulous way without falling into radars and the field of view of the military. What is Infinity Ward, an American company, however, self-criticism! And the Russians in their view are really a terrible people: without unnecessary words, they took and flew to crumble the country of hamburgers, after clicking the Pentagon database by clicking on the finger. God was mercy, a regular landing landed – bears with formidable balalaikas were left at home.
Two units will fight the prevailing enemy forces-simple American rangers who should get out of the scenario nonsense at home, and the TASK Force 141 special unit, under the vaults of which the best agents of SAS, MI-6 and other CIA were collected. They have to work on the road: in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, in the mountains of Kazakhstan, in Kamchatka and in Afghanistan. Here you are climbing, and the descent from the mountain on cables, and the showdown in the Gulag castle (the entire level, by the way, resembles the film "Rock"), and underwater adventures, and much more. Rangeers also do not have to miss: they repel several eatery from hungry Russians, cleanse a small town to save at least one of the inhabitants, and fight in a dilapidated atomic bomb by Washington. Rain, thunder, lightning and taking the White House are attached.
You can’t have a pardon to execute
A weak plot is needed only in order to connect all these tasks together, and it copes with this task perfectly. Who cares for what we kill Brazilian bandits and Russian villains, the main thing is how we do it! Modern Warfare 2, I am not afraid of this word – the most spectacular of the existing militants. Moreover, not only in the game industry: the new part of Call of Duty easily arranges most Hollywood blockbusters, even Bruce Willis and Chuck Norris do not save.
Each level is the top of design skill. Half of the merit – in excellent graphics, thanks to which gorgeous decorations literally come to life. The second half belongs to the stage of scenes. It is even strange that there are no names of Spielberg or Brookhaimer in the credits, because how else to explain all this is explosive madness that creates on the screen. Alpinism is replaced by a pursuit of a Brazilian weapon of weapons, followed by a massacre with special forces in a shower prison and an atomic explosion, clearly visible from space. A cosmonaut’s costume is put on you, helicopters and planes are thrown off on your head, they make the techniques run through the cemetery, on which terrorists and warriors are fighting each other, let the boat and snowmobiles, shooting other racer, and even send to the airport to shoot peaceful Muscovites for the sake good deed.
True, you are unlikely to see this level: it was cut out of the Russian version of the game. What is the reason for this decision is unknown, but if it’s all about political correctness, then it's time to close the cinemas and become like Australia, where they protect the rights of unfortunate zombies from Left 4 Dead 2. The top of idiocy is that this mission is a plot tie, without it it is incomprehensible and looks even more absurd than it is actually. Was it really impossible to do as in Germany: to leave the level, and to shoot – to ban? Or as in the version for Xbox 360: When the game is the first loading the game, ask if we are afraid of violence and curses? Fortunately, the problem is solved: just download one file and throw it into the root folder so that in the company with Makarov to smash the airport.
The riot of special effects of a single campaign lasts only seven hours. But is it really so bad? The game rapidly carries us at sixteen levels, preventing us from breaking away for a second. In the end, she reaches the peak of her entertainment and, having reached it, says goodbye to us, unequivocally hinting at an imminent meeting. Was it worth stretching the war with terrorism for fifteen to twenty hours? Definitely not, because even the most striking special effects can be seduced, and memorable scenes can get bored. Everything Admiral Shark Casino sister sites + review is good in moderation, gentlemen.
One in the field
Where the inscription “Continuation should” was supposed to be, we are offered to complete a number of tasks in “Special Operations” – the new Call of Duty mode. It is a set of missions for which stars are accrued. Everything plays a role – from the chosen level of complexity to the number of killed enemies. The most pleasant thing is that you can’t shit alone alone: you can always invite a friend through Steam. Together you are not only faster to cope with superior Russians, but also learn to work in the team when one looks at the Earth a sinful from the turntable, and the second with the help of a laser sight indicates the purpose of it. “Special operations” turned out to be much more complicated than the campaign, for nothing that the action in them takes place at the same levels, only capitalized
The collection of stars is an occupation, of course, cheerful and interesting, but it is much more pleasant to play with real players, especially since the multiplayer mode always competed with a single game for championship and folk love. This time the struggle was especially hot, given the discontent of the players and the petition at Infinity Ward. What happened? In order to protect us from evil hackers, the developers decided to follow them on their own, completely removing the selected servers from the game and transferring it to the IWNET service. It turned out very similar to P2P with Xbox 360.
It looks as follows: you choose the desired mode, turn on the search, and the computer itself selects a map and opponents. Then the machine calculates which of those present has the best connection to the Internet, and makes this person a server. The legs of the first problem grow from here: if the “server” comes out of the game, something will happen with a connection or not in moderation of a playful cat will gnaw the last wire in its life-everything, the end. And this is not counting periodic glitches with sharp jumps back and forth five meters.
The second stumbling block is the same hackers. In theory, they wanted to eradicate them, in practice, “cheaters” are quite calmly walking around the game, flaunted with phenomenal vision through the walls and maximum seventies, while completely unable to shoot.
The remaining changes went to Modern Warfare 2 to the benefit. The number of modes increased from six to sixteen, finally the opportunity to run from a third person appeared, a list of character’s abilities, weapons and modules were updated. Well, new, cards, of course, which are also sixteen. The capacity of them, however, is low – eighteen people maximum, but the size also does not amaze.
If you get on the battlefield, you are offered to choose one of the five existing classes. All of them are suitable only until you gain the desired level to make your warrior. Yes, we earn experience of experience that sooner or later increase our ward in the rank. Experience is accrued not only for reprisal against enemies, but also for various tricks and beautiful moments, as well as for a series of murders and opening achievements.
With each new level, with each open achievement, you get new nicknames, emblems, awards, weapons and abilities. All this needs to be configured when creating a class, if you do not want to always go to the bottom of the standings. The character can only have two trunks, two types of grenades, three abilities and a reward for a series of deaths. The latter is provided in case you are killed several times in a row, but you can’t do anything. In this case, they will delight with improving health, the opportunity to kidnap the murderer class and several more useful things.
Unlike the first part of Modern Warfare, camouflage plays a really important role, especially saving on winter and forest cards. However, it will not always help: some cards will not allow you to win simply because your team has no luck with the start point. Non -use is present at a good third of the levels, so do not be surprised at the constant voices of the “against” this or that card.
Despite this, there are still enough players on the network. Yes, there is enough inconvenience so far, but there is nothing among them that could not be corrected by another patch. The multi -user regime has grown in breadth, it became more fascinating, and a single campaign erected entertainment in games to a new level. Well, we hope for a quick correction of small errors and that the third part will have nothing to do with the roller-player that walks on the Internet.
Verdict: Definitely the best militant from the first -person. Fascinating and dynamic campaign, seasoned with excellent design and compositions of Hans Zimmer; A bunch of complex additional tasks in “Special Operations” and multiplayer mode with enormous capabilities – Infinity Ward surpassed itself. Bravo!
Before we talk about the passage, let's figure out how to survive and do not fall the death of brave, but stupid already at the beginning of the battle.
- For almost all tasks you go with partners – do not think that you can free white (or black?) the house alone. Try not to run ahead of the steam locomotive and go if not from behind, then at least flush with teammates. Believe me, this will save you more than once.
- At the sight of the enemy, instantly squatted: it will be confused. And it will give you a few seconds for the control in the head. The chain is still working well to sit down-ate, the main thing is that the sight does not stray.
- With the exception of rare cases, a gun is issued as a second weapon. Do not rush to change it to something more powerful: when the store is empty, and the enemy is nearby, grab a small TT faster than to redesign a rifle or machine gun. Well, or pull out a shotgun.
- Do not forget to finish off seriously wounded enemies: after several bullets they can fall, but continue to shoot from this position. An unpleasant surprise – get a bullet from the other world.
Well, now it's time to talk about passing. Since we have a fighter, where frantic shootings prevail, but there is practically no place for tactics, we confine ourselves to the tips for each specific mission.
• D.D.B.T. By tradition, we are offered to undergo training and determine the level of complexity, which, by the way, can be changed at any time.
• Team player. The task is to find and destroy enemy troops in Afghanistan. True, this is more likely they will find you when you go along the narrow streets. At the beginning of the shootout, when you are sitting behind a machine gun on a jeep, stick on the roofs and upper floors: most of the enemies are hiding there. Do not forget to spin around all the time: the enemy constantly changes the dislocation. When you leave the transport, follow the partners: they will lead you where you need.
• Scalolas. The well -known level shown on E3. For a couple with a sauce, you have to pick up the control system of the control system from a broken satellite. Guess where he got? That's right, to the Russians. CLASS WITH THE MOADS is not the most convenient activity, but as a reward you will receive an automatic machine with a silencer and a heart rate sensor. During the Buran, no one will notice you, but you will be aware of where the enemies are hiding. Try to shoot only in the head and not attack large detachments: they can raise an alarm, and then the whole base will run away to put pressure on the cockroach.
At the end, you are waiting for riding on a snowmobile, during which I advise you not to release the left mouse button and not go around the pine trees. Why? A third of them are “incorporeal”, third cardboard and a third plastic. At best, you will be thrown back a couple of centimeters to the right or left, and no other consequences.
• Hunting. The sleeves found at the Moscow Airport brought Task Force 141 in Rio de Janeiro, where the famous weapon merchant is hiding. First you need to catch his right hand: as soon as he starts to run away, instantly rush in pursuit and do not pay attention to partners. There is no need to kill, there will be enough shot in the leg. Under torture, he will hand over his employer: it's time for us in the Favelles.
Honestly, more difficult than this level in Modern Warfare 2. Near each Halup, a dozen or two armed and dangerous ones, the same amount to jump on the roofs. To go through a mission with a minimum of deaths, make it a rule for a short time to linger in every house: open spaces are too dangerous. Use grenades and change the initial weapon to an analogue of the famous “Chechnya” from Counter-Strike. In it, firstly, there are more cartridges, and secondly, it can not be compared by slaughter with nothing. And one more thing: follow the shadows, they will give you the position of their owners.
• Wolverine. If you dreamed of spreading McDonald's or some other fast food, then you have a wonderful chance to do it. You will be given to shoot the guided missiles "Prevent" and forced to deal with helicopters and several armored cars. In general – nothing complicated, except that opponents rod, like ants from a torn anthill.
• Aspen nest. It is time for the entire company to get out of Favell, but the locals obviously do not want to let you go. At the very beginning, hide behind the brick wall on the right, to periodically get out of it and shoot those who run along the roofs. When the Brazilians understand that the number is dead, go to the left, to the sauce. An invisible switch will work here, and two jeeps with machine guns on the roof will be smashed. Ignoring the "infantry", deal with the arrows.
The flight to the saving helicopter is devoid of any difficulties, but when you fall from the roof and are left without weapons … Take off all your feet on the first open door, then the next one, and so on until you find yourself upstairs. Well, there will already appear signs that will help not fall again.
• Exodus. Now you are in a small American town in which Russian troops are hiding. Hold on near the armored personnel carrier, do not forget to use under -barrel tips for a missile and machine -gun blow, and everything will be wonderful.
• It was necessary to relax yesterday. All staff are taken hostage on a drilling tower, and turrets are placed around the perimeter. What to do? To clean, of course! How to get inside? From under the water. Remember the two main points: firstly, in no case do not change the secondary weapon (rifle with thermal introduction) for anything else-it will come in handy when the battlefield covers smoke; Secondly, during the release of hostages, first look around, and then shoot-terrorists are too close to the staff, and to miss it so easily ..
• Colony. For some reason, Makarov is interested in prisoner No. 627, which is held in the castle of the Gulag. Your goal is to get it out. Having got inside, do not listen to their partners and do not take a police shield – you do not need it. But to cope with special forces with such shields is a problem. During the battle in the shower, first remove snipers on the second floor (they are easy to find on the red beam of the sight), and then throw Russian grenades. Another way to deal with "turtles" – get around from the back or come on the side. Well, or shoot at the legs – who is more convenient. By the way, guess who we just saved?
• of their own free will. Our detachment of rangers managed to break into Washington, where Russians – what blasphemy! – They want to blow up the Washington monument. The task is to break into the roof of the captured government building and with the help of a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher to hint that all American soldiers are ardent patriots.
• An annoying accident. First, obey the price of the price and do not make unnecessary movements in everything: you are in Kamchatka, in the forest that is packed with dog patrols. Wash without unnecessary murders, and when you meet a sauce team, you can calmly climb an open battle. Just don't forget to change the second weapon (gun) for something more serious.
• The second sun. There is only one difficulty here – a non -working sight. After the atomic explosion, all the electronics failed, so it became an order of magnitude more difficult to shoot. Yes, and breaking through dark rooms in buildings is not too pleasant: enemies use the shadow perfectly. Smoke them with fragmentation grenades, and then finish off – this tactic will be the most appropriate.
• “whiskey-hut”. What kind of hotel is this? Do not believe it, but these are the call sign for the White House, which urgently needs to be released. The most difficult thing is to break through to the oval cabinet through the sheated trenches. Run to the left, hiding behind broken machines, helicopters and aircraft; It is advisable not to squat, but to go to bed – even in shelter you may notice you. Having released the office, you need to get to the roof of the presidential residence in two minutes. Do not worry, this time is more than enough to take the Reichst … White House.
• Unfinished business. According to General Shepard, Makarov hides in the mansion on the Russian-Georgian border. The first problem is mines, after the detonation of which the entire battlefield will cover the smoke curtain. It is better to go to the right, not forgetting to follow snipers on a ledge on the left. The second difficulty is to defend for several minutes from the waves of the Russians. It is best to hide in the basement and methodically shoot at the back terrorists. True, for some reason, autosasia do not work here, so periodically you need to go upstairs.
• Enemy of my enemy. The soldiers of Makarov and Shepard clashed at the aircraft cemetery, and you just need to break through this battle. Hide in the corpses of aircraft and do not shoot unnecessarily: the enemies will kill each other without you.
• Like in the old days. Shepard is hiding somewhere in Afghan caves, which will go along with Price. At first, do not attract excess attention and do not forget about night vision glasses. Try to bypass the enemy from the flanks, since there is such an opportunity at this level.
• Final. During the chase, do not let go of the trigger for a second, but falling off the waterfall, be sure to achieve two surviving soldiers from a helicopter. That's all, you got to the end. Pleasant viewing!
Note: After passing in the mission menu, the Museum opens – a real exhibition of equipment, weapons and moving wax figures of the main characters. And yes, they can be killed all if you want.
Multipoling mode
For those who, for whatever reason, missed the games of the Call of Duty series, I will briefly tell about the system of network battles Modern Warfare. Unlike most militants, here the character gains experience points. Most of them, of course, are given for victory over the rivals, and if you made the control in the head, dumped the enemy from a great distance, took revenge on yourself or for a friend – be kind, get a bonus.
In addition, there are various trials, from a jump from a height of 4.5 meters without harm to life to the murder of the enemy at the moment he throws a grenade. For this, much more points are given than for simple “war”, but it is not so easy to crank.
Having accumulated a certain amount of points, you get levels that open access to weapons modules, game modes, nicknames, emblems, etc.p. True, all this can be obtained as a reward for the tests performed.
At first, playing one of the five presented classes, you will soon gain access to create your own. In addition to choosing the main and additional weapons and camouflage, you have to decide on the abilities that vary from speed reloading to invisibility for radars.
Creating a class
Your success or the absence of it largely depends on who you decide to become on the battlefields. Is it really so difficult to create your own unique class? Not at all. A completely different thing is to make it as effective as possible. To make it easier for you, we have prepared this small guide to the "designer".
• The main weapon. It is divided into five categories: assault rifles (for all types of battle), submachine guns (for near and medium distances), manual machine guns (mainly for close distances), sniper rifles (for all types of battle) and police shield. How the latter managed to get into this list? Well, it is used instead of primary weapons to protect against bullets, completely without saving from grenades and mines. If you approach the enemy close enough, you can hit it with a shield, but most importantly – you yourself can not be substituted under a shot in the head or leg.
In addition to choosing weapons, you can immediately decide on the modules for it – sights, improved bullets, a heartbeat sensor, etc.p. Well, do not forget about camouflage: it very often helps out during battles in a specific area, like
• additional weapons. It is divided into four types: automatic pistols (near and medium distances), shotgun (close distances), pistols (near and medium distances), launchers (any distances). Various modules are also attached to them, but the main thing is that over time it will be possible to run with two guns at once. The slaughter force will increase markedly, but accuracy will suffer a little.
I advise you to take a closer look at shotgun and grenade launchers. The first is terrible power on small cards, especially when you have a couple of such in your hands, the latter can smash even the most well -fortified shelters.
• Equipment. Here we have the following pieces: fragmentation grenade, plastic (the same thing, but sticks to the surface or enemy and explodes after a certain time), throwing knife, tactical landing (you can designate the place of revival), armored shield (stable to explosions), min. "Claimor", C4 (detonated explosives).
Since all this opens from level to level, there is no special choice, but I advise you to first use grenades, and when it turns out, go to mines. Put half a meter from the entrance to some strategically important task. Why not on the threshold? Well, who will step on the mine when she is in a prominent place?
• Capabilities. Your additional opportunities depend on them, whether it be looting or accelerated reloading. Abilities are divided into three groups, each of which is responsible for certain aspects of the character and weapons. From one category you can choose only one skill, it will not come out at once to use a few. Any skill has both the original form and improved, which gives even more advantages. About them a little below.
• A series of deaths. Even the most experienced players are not safe from a crazy bullet or grenade. Well, from hackers, of course. If you died several times in a row, you will be given some plus from above: for example, raising health by ten seconds.
• Awards for the series. Although they are not selected in the menu of creating a class, but in the “Certificate” section, the awards must be chosen wisely, having correctly calculated your forces. They are issued for a series of murders – from three to twenty -five. You can jam enemy radars, call combat helicopters and planes, shoot missiles and even arrange the local end of the world, which instantly ends the round.
Table 1
Awards for the series
The number of murders Name Action
3bp-placase of opponents on a mini-card
4 Snabzhenievs of cargo with award or ammunition
4 Excession Blamps of the enemy Rada
5 -wiring instrument of a stationary watchdog gun
5 "Preventor" missile with remote control
6 Aviavaydarzov directed airstrike
7 "Harrier" Air -player fighter "Harrier"
7 Feretlets of the support helicopter
8 SPROGRASS BRANDS FOVE Awards or Munitions
9 "Payv Low" a heavily armed shock helicopter
9 "STELS" Aviator not determined by the player
11 -heart -the -machine gun control over a helicopter machine gun
11AS-130 control over a fighter weapon
15 emigration of equipment and electronics of the enemy
25 -core charge to the game with a large nuclear explosion
Ability 1
• Marathon
Ability: Running without restrictions.
Prof: + quick overcoming of barriers.
Despite the fact that the skill seems quite useful, in most modes there is little use. You can’t shoot on the run, and if you are noticed by a sniper, you are unlikely to hide. That's where the “marathon” is really good, it is in the capture of the flag, because well, the speed is very needed there.
• Hand dexterity
Ability: Accelerated reloading.
Pro: + Accelerated aiming.
One of the two really important skills in the first group: fast reloading is important for those who are not used to switching to secondary weapons, and without instant aiming do not dump and thirds of opponents. At first, it is better to use the "dexterity of the hands".
Ability: collecting ammunition from the bodies of the killed enemies.
Prof: + Additional clips.
A somewhat mediocre skill, given that the weapon can be selected. This is the fact that the cartridges end too fast – bad, and grenades are often not enough. True, you can do without them, and changing something truly valuable on Maraudra is rather stupid.
• Decoration
Ability: two modules for the main weapon.
Pro: + two modules for secondary weapons.
Perhaps the most important and useful skill in the first category. Agree, what to choose between the sight and the under -barrel grenade launcher, it is better to use both. In most situations, you can’t do without two modules, so I advise you to turn on the “decoration” as soon as you get the desired level.
• combat vehicle
Ability: instead of secondary weapons, it allows you to change the class at any time.
Pro: + the change occurs even faster.
Of course, it’s nice to fight a couple of enemies from the M16, and then climb onto the roof and turn into a sniper, only to develop one class is much more convenient than several at once. In addition, it is very difficult to sharply become a machine gunner after a series of victorious matches with a rifle in his hand, because we must get used to the weapon.
Ability 2
• Slaughter force
Ability: increasing damage from bullets.
Pro: + Processing of high -damage transport.
The first and one of the two best skills of the second line. It is useful up to 25 levels, when there is not so much open weapon and it beats quite weakly. Of course, one hit even from a pistol is enough, but the bullet does not always fly in the forehead?
• accelerator
Ability: increasing speed of movement.
Pro: + Fast aiming after running.
In principle, only the second part of the skill is useful here, but, firstly, it still needs to be earned, and this takes time, and secondly, even in this case, it cannot be compared with increased killer force.
• uncompromising
Ability: for awards it is required for one murder less.
Prof: + for a series of deaths you need one of death less.
Completely unnecessary skill for a number of reasons. The main thing is the following: the need to kill for one person is less at first, in the future – what's the difference, to deal with seventeen or eighteen opponents?
• Crylide
Ability: invisibility for radars, helicopters and aircraft, guard guns, thermal imagers.
Pro: + lack of crosshairs and a name when you are on the fly.
Having received this skill at the level 25, instantly switch from “slaughter force” to it. Believe me, it will greatly facilitate your life, especially when a technique will go into business after the start of the round. In addition, the lack of a name above the head is confused by the people, and which is better than a stunned enemy?
• Explosive wave
Ability: increased damage from explosions.
Pro: + increased damage from air support.
Another useless skill: most victories are won with a firearm, in extreme cases – a knife, but not mines and grenades in any way. And the damage of fighters and helicopters is so significant, you should not increase it.
Ability 3
• Saboteur
Ability: Increase in close combat.
Pro: + no damage when falling from a height.
The benefits of this ability can be argued for a long time. On the one hand, hit in close combat much faster than to release the line and get into the target. On the other hand, the next skill looks much more attractive against the background of the "saboteur", but they are given right away.
• A hard hand
Ability: accuracy when shooting from the hip.
Pro: + Long -term breath holding.
It is not always possible to aim at the sight of an enemy, especially when it is about a distance of three or four meters. The principle of “fast and dead” works here, and the poor accuracy of the weapon can ruin everything. Well, when you get on small cards like Rust, there is often nothing to say about aimed fire.
• Scarrier
Ability: to prevent the enemy radar in your area.
Pro: + Delay detonation mines.
A very useful skill that helps to mislead enemy players: they do not always pay attention to whether the radar is jerking off or is it a single case. On the other hand, as soon as the screen fades, it instantly becomes clear that someone is not good nearby: you actually report that you intend to hit, but do not warn from where.
• Ninja
Ability: invisibility for heartbeat sensors.
Pro: + silent movement.
Unlike Counter-Strike and several other network militants, in Modern Warfare 2 the sound of steps does not play almost no role. And as for invisibility for the sensors of the heartbeat, so "composure" from the second branch is much more useful.
• Summary
Ability: detection of mines and points of landing of opponents.
Pro: + opponents' steps become louder.
Despite everything, mines can be seen on my own, and about steps I have already said a few lines above.
• The last chance
Ability: you can survive death and try to take revenge for 10 seconds.
Pro: + can use equipment.
After the character is mortally wounded, he does not die, but falls to the ground and can crawl and shoot for another ten seconds. It sounds good, but the surprise will be unpleasant only for beginners: the rest will notice that the victim is still twitching, and the red name above the head does not disappear. But is it worth it to give up a second chance because of this?
Game modes
The developers decided that since walking, it was always with music, and offered us as many as sixteen modes of the game on the network. This is against six in the first part! What's new, that standing? But now we will find out.
- Team battle. Classic mode of any network action movie. Two teams of four or six people deal with each other until one of them scores 7,500 points or until the time is over.
- Team battle, mercenaries. The same, only the compositions are all the time shuffled.
- Each for himself. Four to eight guys armed to the teeth run from side to side and methodically shoot each other. Nothing new.
- Superiority. There are three flags on the map, for the capture and control of which the team receives glasses. Who is the first to get to the maximum, he won.
- Ground wars. " Team battle ”and“ superiority ”with an increased number of players: from twelve to eighteen. Yes, there is definitely lacks the number "32", which would allow you to arrange a real meat grinder.
- Destruction. During the allotted time, one team must mine and undermine two enemy objects, and the other – protect them. Then there is a change in the parties. On some cards to play is simply unbearable.
- Sabotage. The level lies a neutral bomb, which must be captured in order to blow up the enemy object. The first one who does it wins.
- Headquarters, pro. On the map there is a headquarters, which can be captured thirty seconds after the start. Glasses are dripping for control over it. If the enemy team is able to kill the “privatizers”, it must destroy the object, after which a new.
- Bomb. The task is to capture and destroy key objects. No revival, so be careful.
- The capture of the flag. Small cards, dynamic shootouts, and the goal is long known: to steal the flag from the enemy base and bring it to your.
- Team battle, from a third party. " Command battle ”,“ superiority ”,“ capture of the flag ”and“ destruction ”with a third person.
- Bomb, increased complexity, ricochet. The same “bomb”, only with the interface disconnected, more slaughter force of weapons and the opportunity to injure their. But if you get into a comrade, then the damage will instantly return to you.
- Team battle, increased complexity. Everything is the same, only the damage does not return.
- Fight in a cage, from a third person. The cell in fact has nothing to do with a suction cage: you and another poor fellow are released on the card so that you checked who is cooler.
- Team battle, express. Ordinary "team battle" with a smaller pause between rounds.
- Mix. A sort of roulette: what will fall out, and then you will play.